Bowel Cancer Screening
If you are aged 60-74 and registered with a GP in England, you will be sent a free NHS bowel cancer screening kit in the post, once every two years. The test is meant for people with no symptoms and looks for tiny amounts of blood in your poo that you may not be able to see. The good news is that when bowel cancer is diagnosed at the earliest stage, more than 9 in 10 people will survive the disease for more than 5 years.
Cardiovascular Risk Screening
The practice nurses offer cardiovascular risk screening and advice for all patients aged 35-70. If you are in this age group you will be invited to attend an appointment at the health centre.
Cervical Smears
The NHS Cervical Screening Programme in England offers free tests to all women aged between 25 and 64 who are registered with their GP.
This includes women who have had the HPV vaccination, as the vaccine does not guarantee complete protection against cervical cancer.
Women should normally be invited for cervical screening at the following times:
- by 25, you will receive your first invitation for screening
- 25 to 49, you are invited for screening every 3 years
- 50 to 64, you are invited for screening every 5 years
- 65 or over, you are only screened if you have not been screened since you were 50 or if you have had recent abnormal test results
If you have not had a cervical screening test within the appropriate time, you may be offered one when you next visit your GP.
Please contact the practice to book a screening appointment if you are overdue.